Message Box Continues...
To: D!ck
Fm: Dave Diamond
SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Just read your message in issue 14. WHAT THE **** did I
do to get such a word thrashing???? Sheesh,I recently sent you some
Jenny Powell pictures `n` all and there you were calling me a sad,
pervert all along. Oh deary me, was this a bit of fun or was it
serious? Whatever it was - that HURT man.
To: "Correspondant"
Fm: Dave Diamond
Yeah,yeah VERY funny I`m SURE! I am of course referring to the `Diamond
Fakes It` article in TW14. Some funny parts but you got it wrong! The
cameras were full size - not minis! I dont think miss Hart would take
too kindly to your comments either - that`s slander that is!
To: All readers
Fm: Dave Diamond
After reading TW14 and finding out that D!ck has some sort of death wish
against me for some bizarre reason and thet the MYSTERIOUS
`Correspondant` pokes fun at my depressing situations I`m starting to
think that you dont like my adult articles that contain all this self
praise. Well if that`s the fact then dont read them! I write articles
for The Word to help keep the magazine at the number one spot. Consider
this my `friends` if you didn`t have me then you would have SO, SO many
articles pouring in through the months now would you?
To: Kei
Fm: Dave Diamond
Sorry there weren`t many articles for issue 14,they just didn`t get
there on time by the sounds of it. Besides I was holding back at one
stage so you would have about 50 articles to include.
To: Kei and everyone else reading.
Fm: Dave Diamond.
Just to let you know that I have just counted how many NEW articles I
have to send to The Word disk-magazine.
100 baby!
Surely I AM the king of article writing!
They`ll reach your tv screens...soon!
To: Kei
Fm: Dave Diamond
In future to save you work and for more people to SEE my articles, dont
bother in adding any color to the text. Just the bog standard color
will do.
To: All readers
Fm: Dave Diamond
Just to say that if you weren`t able to read my articles in past issues
of The Word because of color code clashes then you can obtain whatever
articles you want from me personally. This also includes the `adult
articles` although you still have to be 18 - or have already have had
sex to read them! Send a s.a.e plus a disk to my usual address to get
To: All readers 2!
Fm: Dave Diamond
Hi again! This time I`m here to tell you that if you want to print out
ANY of my articles past, present or future and distribute them among
friends or pin them up in your college or school then by all means do
so! Just remember to delete my address from them first!
If anyone has these disks then please send them to me as soon as
possible £1 per disk will be given to anyone who has them.
If anyones interested I think Phantom has them but he`s stopped trading
with me now and I`ve been looking for these disks for over 4 years!!!
To: D!ck
Fm: kenco/carnage
Y'know, I prefer calling you Freak than d!ck. It's kind of a
psychological thing that says "Whatever you do, never call anyone dick."
I mean, it's like, Freak, baby, inna house, respect to tha man, yeh,
well 'ard sorta fing, ya gettin' ma vibe? dick? You can't
get away with saying "How's it hangin', dick?" It sort of implies a
direct question, rather than the usual indirect one, as in "Does your
todger lay to the left or to the right, my friend?" Say this to anyone
and it's guaranteed they'll avoid you for the rest of their life.
Anyway, in answer to your views last issue, I changed my handle for a
good reason, I finally got the system I had been longing for and it was
going to change the way I worked with my amiga, so I felt the need for a
change of identity, as you do. I wanted a handle to have a "c" or "k"
in it, so that it had alliteration with carnage. When you say "Kenco of
Carnage", it kind of rolls off the tongue. Besides, I love
alliteration, apart from it being a long word.
To: Phantom/Syndicate
Fm: kenco/carnage
Where are you? I sent some disks a while back in the hope of getting
some more stuff off you (for a price ;) Could I at least have the disks
and maybe a letter back? Please note the change of address in the text
To: Amida
Fm: kenco
Heheh, cool system you've got lined up for yourself m8y! Wouldn't mind
seeing it all running! Send in a snapshot of your workbench in cid when
you've got it all!!
To: Kei
Fm: kenco
Soz about the vid m8. Hope the vids compensate for the lack of trust I
have in Tony now. Ah well.. nice job on TW14. Now that The Word is
net-bound, it really is gaining a lot of recognition! People are
starting to take it seriously as a disk mag! Plus with the Carnage name
tagged on, we'll start to be recognised as a uk group world-wide! Yeh!
I reckon Iceman or Eon should devote some space for Word issues by
nfa/crn and crn. Then there's Phreaking Only, Sensual Kittens (the
coded ones would be best put on). Also the new things up and coming -
once Ruiner gets his head screwed on, the House Megamix Demo will
finally be released. It really is coming together now, eh?
To: The inventor of the laser-pen
Fm: kenco
Cheers for such a! I point mine through the curtains at
night into peoples bedrooms and see how far it can go before I lose
track of it. Cool!
To: Kenco/Carnage
Fm: Kei/Carnage
Todays the day I start copying the Word onto all those diskback jiffy
disks but I find a jiffy from you on my doormat instead so feeling
generous I take the time to go back into the Word and insert your stuff.
Let's not cut it so fine next time ok? ;)